Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What a workout!

We did it again today..2 min. run/2 min 2 days in a row. Today was hard! I was really sweating after I was done. Well, that might be due to the fact that it's getting hotter. I got a good work out and that made me feel great.

I came home and showered...only to go get sweaty again..haha.

We went to a park that is 1/2 a mile away, stayed a few hours and walked 1 mile there. Then about 30 minutes later, I went to get the kids at school and walked a total of another mile....which is where I normally get my 1 mile a day.
...then I came home and did a little cleaning and dishes. Not too hard by its self, but with the workout I got the fact that it is 82+ degrees in the house...yay, I am pooped.

I don't know how so many moms do it...running several miles and taking kids to soccer practice and what not, and some working on top of it! They must have a lot of energy. Hopefully someday I will too!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Yet another great day!

We weren't able to work out yesterday, so we got to it today. It was a good workout! We bumped it up a little. I don't think my knee was ready for 2 3 minute runs again so we stuck to running for 2 min. walking for 2 minutes. We finished over an hour ago and my knee is fine! YAY! AND my arches are fine too. Double YAY! The only downer is that it's getting hot...yuck!

I am so happy today was good. I got a good workout, but my body cooperated!

Saturday, March 26, 2011


All this week my knee has been hurting. Sometimes the pain is more, sometimes it is just an annoyance.

When I woke up this morning, my knee was slightly sore. I took a nap later because I was just so tired. When I woke up from my nap, my knee was fine! First day this week where it didn't hurt! SO happy about that. I was planning on walking about 2 miles today, but after my nap it is just getting too warm. :( 

That will teach me! 

Anyways, I am so happy my knee isn't hurting today...and I didn't take any meds for it either. 

Friday, March 25, 2011

Great way to end the week.

This morning started out with some excitement. The place we usually go to do our runs had a huge coyote roaming around! Eek! So we postponed our workout till this evening. It went really well. We did 90 sec. of running, 2 minutes of walking. We were both really amazed! We went really far in 90 seconds! The farthest we had gone yet! YAY! We aren't fast, but we are getting faster. So exciting to see it.

My knee was acting up, but I just pushed past the pain, not too bad. It wasn't as tight after the workout as it was  on Wednesday. This might sound was actually neat to push through the pain. Knowing that I can do it makes me want to try even harder. I just have to remember to not push myself too hard. If I do, my knee won't get better. I don't want that!

Oh, and my arch pain! YAY!! So happy. I love my shoes and am so happy I don't have to return them.

I am actually thinking of going for a long walk tomorrow...while reading my book. Yes, I can read and walk.
The thought has occurred to me that it would be really fun to have an elliptical and/or a treadmill. Someday! ....maybe even a YMCA membership...but that's not going to happen anytime soon.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Oh, a good day!

First..I used my running shoes, and the arches didn't hurt much!! I mean, my feet were burning when I was running, but not really much arch pain like I have had! YAY!!!!

Second...the knee. All the pain was gone this morning when I woke up! I didn't take any meds, just prayed. TOTALLY amazing how well it works. My knee was bothering me when I was running. We had cut back and only ran for 90 sec. at a time, I can't imagine how much it would have hurt if I did 3 minutes again. After I was all done my knee was hurting still and I could feel it getting REALLY tight. I iced it for 20-30 minutes and that helped a lot. It still is a little sore, but I am so happy that it isn't worse! YAY!

Such a good day! Yipee!

How bad is it that I want to go again? :D I better not. Gotta rest it so I don't injure myself more. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Little added benefits!

My goal with this adventure was not to lose weight. I try not to go down that road (the lets lose weight road). I will eat healthier and now working out, but I am a perfectionist and I don't like to admit defeat and hate it when I can't fulfill my perfectionist desires. So, saying "I am going to lose weight" is actually really scary for me..because I don't know if I can say that and actually make it happen.

For the record. I am NOT saying "I will lose weight". I know I will because there is no way I couldn't...but I am not setting any goals for myself in that arena. It was actually sad when they weighted me today at the Dr. office. I weight now, what I did when I had Josh! That was 19 months ago! I have NEVER not lost weight after a baby...until now. Granted, I still haven't lost all 40 lbs I gained with my oldest's pregnancy...but I lost some. It is a VERY good thing I don't have a scale at home....because I think it would hinder my adventure.

You're probably reading this thinking..."I thought she said added benefits..."

So, what has happened since I started the Couch to 5k program...I am eating less and the things that aren't good for me are much easier to say no too. Tonight I went to Oreganos with some friends. I ate 1.5 slices of really yummy Chicago style pizza. by the middle of the 2nd slice I was looking at it thinking, gross. It tastes good, but really, how much butter is in this crust to make it so flaky and wow, all of this cheese really isn't helping. So 1/2 a slice went to waste..but not to my hips haha.

I haven't been putting a lot of focus on food. I am taking this slow. The food thing is slowly coming along on it's own. Anything I jump into doesn't last (like a totally clean house)..but if I work on it a little bit at a time, I will get better.

Oh, and I will be saving that pazookie I didn't get for another trip :) it bad that it's after 11pm and I want to go workout to burn off what I ate? haha...This is a whole new side of me. Wow. I think I will just sit her and dance while listening to my favorite songs...I gotta go to bed!

The verdict

After yesterday's workout, my knee was hurting and it hurt for the rest of the day...and even after I slept it still hurt this morning. It wasn't any better..maybe worse. So, I went to the Dr.

She said that my knee just wasn't use to the running. She prescribed me some anti inflammatory meds and said I should be healed in 4-6 weeks. Although, after reading the side effects of the meds...I don't really want to take them...scary!

She said to wear a knee brace while working out and that it will help A LOT. I should also run on a flat and even surface. So, the paths that I use should be just fine. If I do a 10k I am thinking about, I will just need to make sure I walk for any uneven parts, where the path keeps changing or if there is an incline or decline. Oh, and she said to take it easier and not run for as long. Very sad that I can't keep going at where I am in the program, but very happy that I don't have to stop!

Oh, and I asked about icing my knee after work outs and she said that would help too. Looks like I have some research to do so I don't have to take the meds.

Side notes...
I've never really had a problem with my blood pressure, but I thought it was AWESOME today...125/65!

Monday, March 21, 2011

The REAL week 3

Last Monday was the only day I REALLY worked out. I mean, i did have the zoo day, but I didn't do my couch  to 5k training. Spring break made it kind of crazy. Oh, and last Monday we didn't follow the 'plan' for week 3.
So, here I am doing week 3 for real this time.

Today, I took my two older boys down the the park and the followed me on a scooter and bike while I ran/walk. The plan for this week is 5min warm up. Then 90 sec run, 90 sec walk. 3min run, 3 min. walk...then repeat. I started off slow. I knew I should give it my all at first...because I always run out of steam.
But I did it! I ran for 3 minutes straight...two times! Yipee!!
I wore some of my walking shoes because it is beautiful and rainy out and I didn't want to get running shoes dirty just yet.
The only downer is that my left knee is really bugging me. It sort of hurts, but feels it might give out? Really strange.

Friday, March 18, 2011

My zoo workout

On Wednesday, I wasn't able to do my typical workout.
Instead, we went to the zoo. We were there bright and early at 8am!! 
We ended up walking around for 6 hours! Well, we got to ride the Safari Train for about 30 min. but the rest of the time we were walking or standing around. My feet were VERY sore by the end of the day and on Thursday my feet and ankles were still sore. Thankfully it is now Friday I they seem better. I plan on doing a run on Saturday to make up for lost time.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


For the rest of Monday, I wore my new running shoes. They actually weren't too bad. Around 7:30pm or so I took them off so I could sit on the couch and watch a movie with the kids. I did some walking around after that much not much. Now my left knee hurts. Crazy! It hasn't hurt much since I played soccer back in my elem. and jr. high years. My feet are a little sore, but not much. It's mainly my knee. So strange. Hopefully I feel better after I get some sleep.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Starting week 3! Really???

Really? Have I already started my 3rd week? YAY!

For today's run, we decided that Friday went so well...why not try running for 2 minutes. So we did. We jogged for 2 minutes. walked for 2. ran for 2, walked for 2, etc. It wasn't easy, it gave me a good workout...but it was easier that I ever imagined it would be. I mean, sure it was harder toward the end...but I can do it! The first day, I could barely run for a I am running for 2 minutes at a time! I really can't believe it! YAY!

I just looked back at the couch to 5k program..and oops, it doesn't have us doing that for week 3. So, I think for our next workout, we will get back on track and do week 3.

Today I used my new shoes again...and they hurt again. After the work out, I walked around for about 5-10 minutes just to cool down. My feet still hurt after that. However we stayed at the park for a while longer to play with some friends. My feet actually started feeling fine! I then talked to my neighbor...who is a great support and part of my inspiration. She has two brothers who are podiatrist (foot Dr). She was so wonderful and asked them about my feet hurting from the arch support. They recommending doing non impact things (elliptical or stationary bike)...since I don't have access to those, walking around with these shoes on is my best bet. So happy I don't have to return these shoes.

Did I ever mention how excited I am?? Really! I am so excited that I am on my way to be in better shape and so excited to be taking care of my body. Finally, after so many years of growing babies (which I totally love doing) and nursing them....I am able to take the time to get into shape!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Kicking it up a notch?

I was so excited to wear my new shoes running this morning. That is actually what got me out of bed this morning. haha.

For this morning's run, we lost track of time running and actually ran for 2 minutes instead of just a min...and I did it! YAY! I think we ended up doing 2-3 2min. runs and 1-2, min and a half. It actually wasn't that bad!! YAY!!! 

However, the only downer. My wonderful shoes have great arch support. SO much more than I am use to. My feet were actually sore because of it. I hope they get more use to it because I am so happy with how well I am doing. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My first running shoes!!

Since we were going to be near the nearest running store, Sole Sports, where they would analyse my feet, I stopped in.  It was a neat experience. I got to walk on a treadmill...and I actually enjoyed it! I found out that I need motion control shoes, I have a fairly flat foot, and I hit the ground with my heel first. The guy that helped me, Flash (such a cool name!),  brought out about 5 pairs of shoes, we went through them and figured out which ones I liked the best. The two I liked the best were Brooks...the Ariel is the one I decided on. It was $20 off too, which was awesome! It cost about what I expected, thank goodness I was expecting as much as they cost...otherwise I would have fallen down.
I LOVE them! I am excited to use them. Stuart said after I got, just because you have these, doesn't mean you can run tomorrow (my day off). HAHA funny Stuart!

It is pretty, and soo supportive and comfortable! 

There are a lot of things I would like to have, but a good sports bra is what's next on my list....and I have a plan..hehe

Better middle of the week

This week's middle of the week workout was MUCH better than last week. I felt great for the first half, but the second half I was for sure lacking. BUT it wasn't as bad as last week at all. I walked for an additional 15 minutes at the end. I LOVE reading and walking!! Hum....maybe I should get up EARLY tomorrow morning and just go walk and read for an't believe those words were typed by me!

Looking forward to it?

Are you kidding me??? Yesterday, I kept thinking..."I can't wait to workout tomorrow...I wish I could workout today" Could it really be? Am I looking forward to working out? I never thought I would say that!!!
Well, off to get ready to work out!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Week two, redo week one

For some reason today didn't kick my butt, but it wasn't as easy as Friday. Odd. It felt really good to go work out again today. YAY!
We are going to redo week one times. My running buddy didn't join me until my 2nd workout, so I want to give her the chance to complete a I think I need another week of it too.
The weather was great today..besides it being windy. This past weekend it got fairly warm. I had a wonderful friend offer to let me use her treadmill this summer when it gets HOT...until then I am going to enjoy the wonderful weather!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Work out 3, getting better

This morning Whitney and I worked out bright and least for me. I got to the park at 8, walked until we started running and then when we were done running, I walked until about 9am. It was a beautiful morning! It was sort of chilly, but as I got running, it wasn't bad at all. It was an easier workout than Wednesday and Monday. I can't believe I just said that! It feels good to do it early, get it out of the way, and get on with my day! YAY!
Oh, and bonus! Since it was so early, I didn't eat breakfast. I have heard working out before breakfast is good because it takes the energy it needs from fat instead of from the food you just ate.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Workout 2

I am quite surprised in myself that I wasn't dreading the workout today! I wasn't totally excited, but I knew that it was only 25ish minutes and that I could do it! It was fun today to have a friend to run/walk with. Thank you Whitney! I am sure the kids also enjoyed having someone else to play with.

Today's workout was a little harder. For starters, I have a little congestion, so that probably plays a role. I think the main reason it was harder is because of the workouts I have done this week. My legs were sore last night before bed, but felt fine this morning....until I worked out. After the workout, my legs were so weak. I am so glad I brought a book and was able to read for a while. It was actually amazing. Just worked out, beautiful weather, a wonderful book, and my kids having fun! What more could I ask for?

I am interested to see how Friday goes. Will I be sore? Will it be easier? Will I be any faster?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

First resting day

Yesterday I wasn't sore at all. I thought, hey, I can do it again tomorrow. I am sooo thankful I didn't! I felt fine this morning....then I went to an activity at Church. I ended up helping put away 10ish tables underneath a stage. Boy did I get a workout! Add on top of that, I walked 1 1/2 miles (to school and back, and then to school again). That extra 1/2 mile I think is what did me in. I walked it as fast as I could. My legs were burning, my shins hurt. Oh, and poor little Rachel. She was amazing! She walked with me that 1/2 mile and did a great job!!
Tonight I am soooore. I hope my rest tonight will be truly restful.
Excited to go tomorrow and get it over with :) It's only 25 min.! It isn't that bad.