Saturday, April 9, 2011

My first 5k!

A lady in my ward (aka my Church) put together a 10k run called Sister Warrior. What a wonderful idea! There a quite a few runners in our ward. I knew I wasn't ready for a 10k, but I had heard that several ladies were going to do a 5k. I decided that I would give it a try. Thankfully Christy (the one putting it together), had a marker showing where the 5k was. I was a little nervous because my workouts right now are no more than 30 minutes.

It was rainy and cold (low 40s). I wore a thick warm black sweater thing and my big purple sun hat, which did a GREAT job of keeping the water off my face. We got our numbers and a cute little headband that says "Sister Warriors". I got to walk the first half with a lady I had never met....but we had a lot in common. So fun to get to know people that you wouldn't have normally met. The 2nd half I was by myself. While I was walking next to the canal I got to listen and watch the birds. It was actually really neat. At this point in time I was actually getting quite warm. So I took off my jacket...and then got cold...haha. As I got to the finish line, everyone cheered. YAY!

I was fine for a little while...but then got really cold. Some ladies had blue lips! Freaky! It was fun getting to chat with the woman and drink hot chocolate and eat a little food. I will for sure do this again. I wish I had timed myself. The only time I looked at my clock was at 7:51 and that was a few minutes after I had reached the 1/2 way point.

Thank you so much Christy for putting this whole thing together!!! I had a lot of fun!

They printed out my number again because mine fell apart from the rain. Oh, and notice how the only time my  hair has any body it's because it's a wet tangled mess. I actually kind of like it...haha. 

Had to get a picture with my 'Sister Warrior's headband! Super cute!

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