Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Little added benefits!

My goal with this adventure was not to lose weight. I try not to go down that road (the lets lose weight road). I will eat healthier and now working out, but I am a perfectionist and I don't like to admit defeat and hate it when I can't fulfill my perfectionist desires. So, saying "I am going to lose weight" is actually really scary for me..because I don't know if I can say that and actually make it happen.

For the record. I am NOT saying "I will lose weight". I know I will because there is no way I couldn't...but I am not setting any goals for myself in that arena. It was actually sad when they weighted me today at the Dr. office. I weight now, what I did when I had Josh! That was 19 months ago! I have NEVER not lost weight after a baby...until now. Granted, I still haven't lost all 40 lbs I gained with my oldest's pregnancy...but I lost some. It is a VERY good thing I don't have a scale at home....because I think it would hinder my adventure.

You're probably reading this thinking..."I thought she said added benefits..."

So, what has happened since I started the Couch to 5k program...I am eating less and the things that aren't good for me are much easier to say no too. Tonight I went to Oreganos with some friends. I ate 1.5 slices of really yummy Chicago style pizza. by the middle of the 2nd slice I was looking at it thinking, gross. It tastes good, but really, how much butter is in this crust to make it so flaky and wow, all of this cheese really isn't helping. So 1/2 a slice went to waste..but not to my hips haha.

I haven't been putting a lot of focus on food. I am taking this slow. The food thing is slowly coming along on it's own. Anything I jump into doesn't last (like a totally clean house)..but if I work on it a little bit at a time, I will get better.

Oh, and I will be saving that pazookie I didn't get for another trip :)

...is it bad that it's after 11pm and I want to go workout to burn off what I ate? haha...This is a whole new side of me. Wow. I think I will just sit her and dance while listening to my favorite songs...I gotta go to bed!

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