Monday, February 28, 2011

First workout

This morning we went to the park nearby that has a walking trail. The kids played on the playground and I walked/ran up and down the sidewalk. It was really cute. My 3 yr old didn't understand and thought I was leaving him as I was walking away, even though I explained what I was doing. So, he followed me for a while until he understood. I started and finished the walk with 5 minutes of just walking. I ran for a total of 5 minutes, broken down into 1.5 min. walking, 1 min of running (or jogging rather). I totaled 25 minutes of working out. YAY!
It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Not easy, but I think all of the walking I have done really helped prepare me.
Today I get to walk a mile while getting the kids from school. Oh, and I get to do a lot of cleaning. How does the house get so dirty in just 2 days? But you know what? As long as I can listen to Ace of Base and clean, it isn't too bad. ...yes I said that.
Not bad for a day's work.

Blog name and first race

Just thought I would explain my blog name....walking1mile2ragnar2012.
I currently am walking 1 mile a day....getting the kids from school. The first half of the school year I was walking 2 miles a day, but it has been so cold in the mornings that I haven't. I am going to start getting up early again and bundling up and doing it. Oh, and I am going to Ragnar :p I also thought it was a funny play on words.

I have looked for a 5k. I was hoping to do one in May some time, but there are seriously NO 5ks in the area at that time because it is getting so HOT. I did find a race that looks fun though, it isn't until August though. It is called "Beat the Heat Knight 5k run"...and it only cost $18. It is actually a fundraiser for a local high school (well not just ANY local high kids future high school's rival!). It is in the later evening, so it will be nice and cool. Oh, and in case you didn't catch it, the High School's mascot is the Knight. Clever huh?

I've been looking at more races. In October, there is the Komen breast cancer Run (I think it's 5K) that I want to do for sure. I think it would be great to do a 10k for Thanksgiving (you know all those Turkey Trots going on?). Then I found a neat one... It is a 12 K run in December and there are carolers and it looks really neat.

If anyone has any tips or advice or resources or whatever that you would like to share, I would love it!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The journey begins

Over the past few months, I have heard people in my ward talking about the Ragnar. A week or two ago I finally looked it up. It's a 200 mile relay race with a team of 12 (so you and 11 friends). I have seen pictures of all the fun that people have. Yes, It looks fun! It takes a day, a night, and a day. Our next door neighbors run it together. I told the wife, Janae that I am thinking about doing it and she is excited for me and is so encouraging! begins my journey to Ragnar 2012. I can't believe I am purposefully going to be running. I have always hated it. Back in Jr. High we had to run a mile every Friday. Ugg. I still remember it well. I hated it so didn't help that I hated my PE teacher either. I mean, what was I really complaining about? I lived in BEAUTIFUL San Diego, the weather was great, green tress and bushes all around me...I had PE early in the morning and I have many memories of it being foggy. That is like a dream now. If only I could have that much quiet time to be alone and such beautiful weather...aww...I didn't know how good I had it.  But, here I am now, just barely 30 and planning on partaking in a 200 mile relay race in a year. I have a LONG LONG way to go...but the journey starts here. Tomorrow will be my first official day where I get started on that path . I am going to use the Couch25K program to get started and then take it from there. 

I am hoping that by making this blog and my journey public, I will hold myself more accountable.